Immigration law (immigration lawyer, emigration lawyer)
Immigration lawyer (migration law) Temchenko Sergey and partners
The immigration lawyer in Dnipro provides legal assistance for foreigners ( stateless persons), refugees in obtaining administrative services in the State migration service of Ukraine in Dnipropetrovsk region in the following types of services:
- Acquiring of Ukrainian citizenship;
- Acquiring citizenship of Ukraine in marriage;
- Acquiring citizenship of Ukraine by birth;
- Restoration of the citizenship of Ukraine;
- Registration of the passport of the citizen of Ukraine;
- Registration / deregistration of residence;
- Registration of temporary residence permit (residence permit) in Ukraine;
- Extending the duration of stay on the territory of Ukraine;
- Execution of invitations for foreign persons in Ukraine;
- Registration of permanent residence permit (permanent residence);
- Preparation of work permits in Ukraine and in the Dnieper river;
- Comprehensive legal support during registration of a legal entity;
- Registration of business activities of foreign citizens, tax registration, obtaining a taxpayer identification code.
Immigration lawyer in Dnipro carries out legal representation of foreign citizens on issues of:
- Appeal against the decision of the state migration service of Ukraine to refuse to issue a temporary residence permit in Ukraine;
- Appeal against the decision of the state migration service of Ukraine to refuse to issue a permanent residence permit in Ukraine;
- Appeal against the decision of the state migration service of Ukraine in case of cancellation of the certificate of temporary or permanent residence;
- Appeal against illegal decision of the state migration service of Ukraine in case of cancellation of citizenship of Ukraine;
- Appeal against the decision of the state migration service of Ukraine on deportation from Ukraine;
- Appeal against the order on expulsion of foreign citizens from higher educational institutions of Ukraine;
- To establish the fact of permanent residence on the territory of Ukraine;
- Protection of foreign citizens in criminal proceedings;
- Protection of foreign citizens on administrative offences.
Since the collapse of the USSR on the territory of Ukraine left to live a large number of stateless persons who at one time for any reason could not obtain citizenship of Ukraine, illegally located on the territory of Ukraine and do not have a document proving their identity. Such persons are unable to move freely throughout the territory of Ukraine, are unable to obtain a biometric passport and to travel outside of Ukraine, are unable to make themselves movable and immovable property, i.e. deprived of all rights, which are citizens of Ukraine. Immigration lawyer will conduct a legal investigation, collect all the necessary documents and help to solve the problem, choose the best and most effective way to obtain citizenship of Ukraine and obtain a passport of a citizen of Ukraine.
Emigration services of the lawyer for citizens of Ukraine, leaving for permanent residence in another country
To officially reside abroad, as well as to change citizenship, you must obtain a permit to leave for permanent residence from Ukraine, that is, in the passport of a citizen of Ukraine to travel abroad must be stamped "Issued departure for permanent residence" indicating the country of residence.
Lawyer Temchenko Sergey and partners provide a range of services for registration of departure for permanent residence from Ukraine:
- obtaining a certificate of residence registration;
- filling in and submission of application for permission to leave for permanent residence;
- a certificate from tax service on absence of debts on payment of taxes;
- withdrawal of registration of residence;
- representation in court in the absence of the consent of one of the legal representatives to travel abroad for permanent residence of a person under the age of 16;
- obtaining permission to leave for permanent residence (permanent residence) with a mark in the passport for persons traveling abroad, as well as for persons who have already left for permanent residence and have not yet issued a permanent residence;
- termination of business activity (liquidation) of an individual entrepreneur (FL-P) with deregistration in the tax authority, the passage of all inspections in the tax office without your participation;
- removal from the military registration (for military service) without the queues and in the shortest possible time.
Our experience is a huge number of the received permissions, constantly ask us for help in registration of permission to leave on permanent residence from Ukraine, we know how to make it in the shortest possible time and with your minimum participation. Each of our issued departure for permanent residence-individual in fact, we provide professional legal assistance and guarantee quality support until the desired result. In case of registration for a family permission to leave for permanent residence from Ukraine, we have a loyal pricing policy, for children a discount.
You can make an appointment with a lawyer, get legal advice on immigration (emigration).
If You are outside Ukraine, please contact on viber or whatsapp, Skype, email.